basic overview (text only)
singles - details and pictures
albums - details and pictures
reissues - details and pictures
codes of countries
For absolutely detailed discography visit the PSB Discography (or the original Lazlo's discography); data from these are used in this discography in the great majority of cases
Thanks to:
M. Kay (author of the Pet Shop Boys Confidential site) for kind permission to use pictures with sleeves from his site for this section
B. Mowery (author of the former "Pet Shop Boys Dedicated 2001" website) for kind permission to use pictures with sleeves from his site for this section and for sending a few pictures, which aren't available on his site
S. Gaertner (author of the Pet Shop Boys On Page site) for kind permission to use pictures with sleeves from his site for this section
J. Gessing for sending pictures with sleeves of two LDs (these pictures originate from the eBay site)
/Z/ for scanning of Home And Dry sleeves
Some pictures are overtaken from Amazon pages.
Release sleeves pictures are based on pictures from an e-mail from Relentless (now Pendulum-Direct.
One of Miracles sleeve pictures, one of Minimal sleeve pictures and the A Life In Pop sleeve picture are based on pictures from the official PSB site.
Besides overtaken pictures, pictures in this section originate also from newly scanned sleeves.